Senior Solidity Engineer

Full Time
  • May 5, 2025
  • Employment Info


    • Build smart contracts in Solidity for the Ethereum / BSC blockchain.
    • Design, scope, and estimate complex contract based on requirements given.
    • Enthusiastically collaborate with a small team to plan projects at the task level.
    • Collaborate with cross functional partners on all aspects of product development.
    • Identify and advocate for team-wide areas of improvement and best practices.


    • 5+ years of experience in software engineering.
    • Understands and applies Solidity patterns to solve common problems.
    • Understands gas optimization the tradeoff between efficient code and readable code.
    • Knows how to write migrations and deploy code to EVM-compatible networks.
    • Familiar with Hardhat.Truffle, Waffle, and Hardhat, and the pros and cons of each framework.




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